Latest recommendations of the Luxembourg Accounting Board: all you need to know!

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Accountants
  • Chartered accountants
  • Fiduciaries staff
  • Internal and external auditors
  • CFO
  • Heads of accounting
  • Financial controllers

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2,00 heure(s)

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Keeping up with the latest doctrine is an important part of the job of every accounting expert. In the last years, the number of recommendations issued by the CNC is increasing and is tackling important topics on which the accounting law is silent.

  • Which currency can be used as a presentation currency and how to convert at year-end?
  • What is the impact in case of a change of accounting method?

These are 2 examples of questions that this module will address and answer using the CNC recommendations and our experts' market experience.

  • This training aims at giving participants all the information and latest doctrine issued by the Luxembourg Accounting Board ("Commission des Normes Comptables" or "CNC"). This training will be delivered by experts who will share their view and their experience on the market impact in terms of accounting.


This training will cover several recommendations on the following topics:

  • Change of currency for bookkeeping and preparation of annual accounts
  • Acounting aspects of company migrations to Luxembourg
  • Implementation of the small group consolidation exemption (article 1711-4 LSC): practical arrangements
  • Accounting treatment of transactions and balances denominated in foreign currencies

The adjustments released in May 2023 on the following recommendations will also be covered:

  • Currency of accounting and preparation of annual accounts
  • Change in accounting methods, valuation method and accounting estimates
  • Exemption from establishing consolidated subgroup accounts: notions of conformity and equivalence (art. 1711-7, point 2° LSC)

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Damien Brunet, Director, and Gregory Beauchesne, Senior Manager in the accounting technical team. The training will be presented by experts in the accounting field.

Damien is a director in the accounting and tax compliance practice of PwC Luxembourg and the coordinator of the Luxembourg technical accounting group where he deals on a day-to-day basis with complex Lux GAAP transactions. He is also responsible of the e-accounts solution, a PwC’s online tool for the preparation and filing of annual accounts.

He is a CCA (Certified Chartered Accountant) in Luxembourg and a chartered accountant in France. He is also the president of the training’s commission at the OEC.

Grégory is a senior manager in the tax management and accounting services department where he specialises in the preparation of financial statements and tax returns for international structures and operational companies.

Grégory is also member of the accounting technical team - Lux GAAP at PwC Luxembourg, where he deals on a day-to-day basis with accounting technical issues.

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