Swaps (part 1): IRS - Foundation

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone who wants to reach a sound understanding of the interest rate swaps products used by investment managers.

Niveau atteint



2,50 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session

Le contenu de cette page n'est pas disponible en français


Whoever has watched "The Wolf of Wall Street" has likely struggled to understand the jobs, products, jargon that surround financial markets. Some of us are still trying to get our way out of this financial jungle and clarify the associated strategies. Let's demystify these!

In close collaboration with PwC's subject matter experts, PwC's Academy has developed a comprehensive, multi-layered training curriculum for junior and more experienced financial industries’ employees and managers alike, who seek to gain a solid knowledge of derivative instruments.

With the 'Swaps: IRS' foundation module, participants will dive into the characteristics and associated risks, market use, and valuation of Interest Rate Swaps.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • define the general characteristics of swaps;
  • gain an in-depth understanding of how swaps operate;
  • list how swaps can best be used on the market, be it in isolation or in combination with other instruments;
  • understand the valuation method and what can impact swaps' quotation;
  • identify major risks associated and determine controls that may mitigate them.


  • The fundamentals of an IRS swap contract:
    • asset or liability swap
    • main contract features
    • main swap uses
    • unwinding of a swap
    • swap risks
  • Swap market and yield curve
  • The case of a CRS
  • Swaps variants: CMS swaps, 0-coupon swap

Other types of swaps: volatility or variance swaps, inflation swaps, commodity swaps, performance swaps, dividend swaps

This course content is presented in an attractive and understandable manner: it is illustrated with numerous real market examples. The course aims to provide a clear and thorough understanding of the considered instrument, with core mathematical concepts introduced when addressing pricing.

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Samir Moussaoui, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

The different modules will be animated by experts in derivatives.

Samir helps lead our AVS practice in managing and delivering a diverse range of alternative investments and assets valuation engagements, in the context of assurance and non-assurance services, to local and international clients and PwC offices. He has exposure to a wide range of valuation methodologies such as discounted cash flow models, trading and transaction multiple valuations, net asset value approach as well as milestone analyses, primarily in the context of financial reporting.

Samir is Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Valuation Surveyor (MRICS).

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