EN Credit risk management (Loan Origination and Monitoring) Sur demande Banque assurance - Gestion risque banque assurance 01.01.2099
EN Presentation of the Luxembourg regulatory framework applicable to support PFS and specialised PFS Sur demande Banque assurance - Banque - Droit réglementation bancaire 01.01.2099
EN Valuation for AIFM Heads/Conducting Officers Sur demande Banque assurance - Banque - Marché financier 01.01.2099
DE AML predicate offense of aggravated tax fraud and tax swindle: how to detect and assess tax fraud indicators? Sur demande Banque assurance - Gestion risque banque assurance 01.01.2099
EN Automatic exchange of information (FATCA and CRS) - Focus on private banking Sur demande Banque assurance - Banque - Droit réglementation bancaire 01.01.2099