Yoga - Débutant (SO-YOG-6 2024/2025)

Formation extra-scolaire

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences

Niveau atteint



270,00 unité(s) de 50 min

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Necessary material: mat and proper yoga sport clothes


Hatha yoga:
Physical practice.
A complex of physical exercises (asanas) aimed at maintaining and correcting health. The body becomes flexible, strong, enduring. During proper practices there is a revitalizing effect on all systems of the body.
Energy practice promotes the correct movement and distribution of energy in the body, as well as balances and directs it, harmonizing the male and female, combining them in themselves (Yin and Yang).
Spiritual practice is the harmony and elevation of energies through the chakras, spiritual realization occurs.
Mental practice is responsible for meditations, mantras, philosophy. Cleanses and helps to control one's mind.
Hatha yoga accommodates many elements, both on the physical and spiritual plane.


Les détails du contenu sont disponibles auprès de l'organisateur.

Certificat, diplôme

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition : 70% de taux de participation)

Mode d'organisation

Les inscriptions s'effectuent uniquement en ligne.

Informations supplémentaires

The coach also speaks english, luxembourgish, french and russian

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