Overview of Luxembourg company law (C3001) - BLENDEDLEARNING

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone currently working or looking for a new position within a credit institution, fiduciary or related services provider, individuals wishing to expand their practical knowledge in Luxembourg Corporate Law or anyone interested in the functioning of company law in Luxembourg.


23,00 jour(s)

10 weeks, 1 x 2 ¼ hours/week

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


None. However it is recommended to complete the module "General accounting: current operations" (C2001E) or "Accounting for non-accountants" (C2002E) prior to enroling to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


  • Distinguishing the advantages of a commercial company from those of a sole proprietorship.
  • Applying for a business license.
  • Carrying out the formalities for the publication of important company decisions with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (RCS, RESA) and fulfilling the company's RBO obligations
  • Formalities surrounding the incorporation of a public limited liability company (SA), a private limited liability company (SARL) and a simplified private limited liability company (SARL-S).
  • Distinguishing the legal regime for shares from that for bonds.
  • Differentiating the main corporate bodies (general meeting, management and supervision) of the SA, SARL and SARL-S as well as their powers and operating rules.
  • Understanding of the annual accounts approval and related disclosure formalities.
  • Implementing the most relevant means of company winding up (liquidation, bankruptcy).


Le contenu est identique aux objectifs d'apprentissage pour cette formation.

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