Overview of Luxembourg company law (C3001) - distance learning

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone currently working or looking for a new position within a credit institution, fiduciary or related services provider, individuals wishing to expand their practical knowledge in Luxembourg Corporate Law or anyone interested in the functioning of company law in Luxembourg.


23,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


None. However it is recommended to complete the module "General accounting: current operations" (C2001E) or "Accounting for non-accountants" (C2002E) prior to enroling to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


  • Identify the key features of the different corporate entities in Luxembourg.
  • Learn more about some specificities of the Luxembourg Company Law such as the business permit.
  • Identify the key features of S.A. and S.à r.l. as well as their similitudes and differences.
  • Prepare the relevant documentation for the setting up of a S.A. or a S.à.r.l.
  • Understand the decision making process and identify the relevant documentation to be drafted.
  • Identify the different means of financing of a S.A. and a S.à r.l. and the Corporate Law implications.
  • Understand the meaning of corporate tax residency and its application to Corporate Law.
  • Implementing the most relevant means of company winding up (liquidation).


  • Introduction to company law. Relevant features and description of the different forms of commercial companies.
  • The business permit. The Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register. Main features and functions.
  • The Public Limited Liability Company or S.A. (Société Anonyme). Incorporation and substantive requirements.
  • The Public Limited Liability Company or S.A. (Société Anonyme). Shares and bonds. Features, types and transferability.
  • The Public Limited Liability Company or S.A. (Société Anonyme). Management and supervision. Relevant bodies, functions and duties.
  • The Public Limited Liability Company or S.A. (Société Anonyme). General Meeting of the Shareholders. Functions, duties and enforceability of resolutions. Company capital.
  • The Private Limited Liability Company or S.à r.l. (Société à responsabilité limitée). Incorporation and substantive requirements.
  • The Private Limited Liability Company or S.à r.l. (Société à responsabilité limitée). Management and supervision. Differences between the S.A. and the S.à r.l.
  • The Private Limited Liability Company or S.à r.l. (Société à responsabilité limitée). The General Meeting of the Shareholders. Functions, duties and enforceability of resolutions.
  • Dissolution of commercial companies: voluntary liquidation, judicial liquidation and bankruptcy.

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Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion Luxembourg (ECG)
Droit - Droit privé - Droit affaires - Droit commercial - Contrat commercial