
Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Administrateurs système et ingénieurs réseaux responsables de la gestion d'un parc de machines sous Windows. Personnes ayant à administrer entre autres "Active Directory" et Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013 et/ou 2016.


5,00 jour(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Cette formation vous apprendra à maîtriser ce nouveau langage de scripts de Microsoft en vue d'automatiser des tâches d'administration sous Windows 7, 8 et 10 ainsi que Windows Server 2008, 2012 et 2016. Vous mettrez en œuvre PowerShell dans des domaines aussi variés que le réseau, la gestion des processus, ou encore l'inventaire d'un parc de machines.



Module 1: Getting Started with Windows PowerShell.

This module introduces students to Windows PowerShell, its purpose and history. The module will also cover the basics of using the shell, including the help system, command syntax, command discovery explaining the use of the two built-in host applications.

  • Overview and Background
  • Finding and Learning Commands
  • Running Commands
Lab: Configuring Windows PowerShell
  • Configure the Windows PowerShell Console Application
  • Configure the Windows PowerShell ISE Application
Lab: Finding and Running Basic Commands
  • Finding Commands
  • Finding and Running Commands
  • Using "About" Files
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Open and configure Windows PowerShell
  • Discover, learn, and run Windows PowerShell commands
  • Run commands by using correct command and parameter syntax
Module 2: Working with the Pipeline.

This module covers the Windows PowerShell pipeline along with a number of additional techniques and commands, including customizing command output, exporting and converting data, sorting objects, filtering objects, and enumerating objects allowing for the overall retrieval, manipulation and displaying of data.

  • Understanding the Pipeline
  • Selecting, Sorting, and Measuring Objects
  • Converting, Exporting, and Importing Objects
  • Filtering Objects Out of the Pipeline
  • Enumerating Objects in the Pipeline
Lab: Using the Pipeline
  • Selecting and Sorting Data
Lab: Converting, Exporting, and Importing Objects
  • Converting Objects
  • Importing and Exporting Objects
Lab: Filtering Objects
  • Filtering Objects
Lab: Enumerating Objects
  • Enumerating Objects


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