FR Découpage oxyacétylénique et plasma On request Work with materials - Machining - Cutting out 01.01.2099
FR Soudure Polyéthylène ATG B 527.9 8h On request Work with materials - Assembly and fitting - Welding - Welding - other processes 01.01.2099
FR Remise à niveau soudeur On request Work with materials - Assembly and fitting - Welding 01.01.2099
FR Soudage PEHD canalisations eaux usées On request Work with materials - Plastics industry - Welding plastic materials 01.01.2099
FR Soudure Polyéthylène ATG B 527.9 24h On request Work with materials - Assembly and fitting - Welding - Welding - other processes 01.01.2099