Module freight

Inter and intra-company training

Who is the training for?

Specific training for people who carry out security checks.


1,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



Avoir suivi la formation Security Awareness Training Programm - SATP


The "Freight module" course is specific training for people who carry out security checks (Chp 11.2.6 EU Regulation n ° 1998/2015).

Contents The training of those who carry out security checks on cargo and mail other than inspection / screening or who have access to identifiable cargo or air mail should provide the following skills:
a) knowledge of acts of illegal interference already committed in civil aviation, terrorist attacks and current threats;
b) knowledge of the applicable legal requirements;
c) knowledge of the objectives and organization of aviation security, including the obligations and responsibilities of those performing security controls in the supply chain;
d) knowledge of the procedures for monitoring persons and the circumstances in which persons must be reported or asked to prove their identity;
e) knowledge of notification procedures;
f) ability to identify prohibited articles; EN 5.3.2010 Official Journal of the European Union L 55/45
g) ability to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
h) knowledge of the means of concealing prohibited articles;
i) knowledge of protection requirements for cargo and mail;
j) knowledge of applicable transport requirements, if applicable.

Certificate, diploma

Certificate of attendance

Mode of organisation

Registration for the "SATP" course is made up to 2 working days before the session.

Additional information

COVID measures:

Temperature measurement before entering the training room.

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