
Contact information for all your questions in relation to training
Last update : 14.06.2024
Partner Areas of action related to continuing training

Employment agency (Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi – ADEM)

19, rue de Bitbourg
L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm

+352 247 88888

+352 247 88000

The Employment agency (Agence pour le développement de l'emploi - ADEM) is the public-service employment service in the Grand Duchy. As the reference partner for both jobseekers and employers, the ADEM offers personalised services, free of charge.

  • Services offered to jobseekers
    • individual assistance in looking for a job
    • vocational guidance
    • access to the "JobBoard" to consult vacancies
    • participation in employment incentives and training courses
    • payment of unemployment benefits, subject to certain conditions
    • access to other financial assistance, depending on profile
  • Service for employers
    • personalised support by advisers specialising in each sector of activity
    • free access to the "JobBoard", a new online tool for posting job vacancies and seeking candidates pro-actively
    • refined pre-selection of candidates
    • recruitment workshops
    • made-to-measure training courses
    • financial assistance facilitating recruitment and job retention

Centre for Psycho-Social and Educational Accompaniment (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires - CePAS)

Maison de l'Orientation
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg

+352 247 75910
The CePAS consultation centre is for teenagers and young adults and their parents, families and guardians. It offers different types of support:
  • psychological and psycho-therapeutical support
    • at a personal level (uneasiness, feeling of loneliness, anxiety, feeling of depression, demotivation …)
    • at the level of the family/relationships (difficult family situations, conflicts, breakdown in communication …)
    • at the school level (fear or unwillingness to go to school, poor results, stress etc.)
  • social support (help with administrative procedures, looking for housing, etc.)
  • educational support (conflicts, dropping out of school, etc.)
  • support for psychomotor issues (stress, difficulty paying attention and concentrating, etc.).

These consultations are free of charge, confidential and by appointment. There is also a telephone hotline. There is also the opportunity to participate in group activities which encourage exchanges between young people and develop various interpersonal and social skills.

Possibility to participate in group activities which encourage exchanges between young people and to develop various interpersonal and social skills.

The CePAS also offers financial support. It concerns pupils enrolled full-time or in concurrent education in a Luxembourg public secondary school. Pupils can apply to the SePAS of their secondary school for a subsidy for low-income households (SMFR) or for a stay-in-school subsidy (SMS) for adult students in a situation of psycho-social distress.

Centre for Women, Families and Single Parent Families (Centre pour femmes, familles et familles monoparentales - CFFM)

95, rue de Bonnevoie
L-1260 Luxembourg

Martine Bretz
+352  49 00 51 1

Run by the non-profit association Women in Distress (Femmes en Détresse)

  • Social consultations
  • Educational consultations
  • Psychological consultations

Chamber of Agriculture (CA)

B.P. 81
L-8001 Strassen

Jean-Pierre Schmitz
+352  31 38 76 24
  • Defending the interests of the agricultural, wine-growing and horticultural sector
  • Organisation and coordination in the areas of vocational training and continuing vocational training
  • Coordination of agricultural advisory, extension, and research programmes
  • Managing the local product label ("produit du terroir")
  • Agricultural advisory service
    • Advice on plant production
    • Advice on water protection
    • Advice on environmental protection
    • Fertilisation plans
    • Impartial advice on phyto-protection
  • Managing the project "Sou schmaacht Lëtzebuerg"

Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers - CdM)

2, circuit de la Foire Internationale
L-1347 Luxembourg

Lisa Arendt *
Marine Berchem *
Jean-Marie Deloos *
Liette Even **
Danuela Galler **
Rafael Raimundo **

+352  42 67 67 - 1

Initial training*

  • Apprenticeships for Young People and Adults
  • Training for Adults

Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de Maîtrise) and continuing training**

  • Preparatory classes
  • Examinations

Chamber of Employees (Chambre des Salariés - CSL)

18, rue Auguste Lumière
L-1950 Luxembourg

+352 2749 4200
+352 2749 4600
  • Defends the interests of salaried workers, apprentices, and pensioners
  • Represents more than 550 000 people
  • A socio-economic think-tank
  • Informs members of their rights and provides information on socio-economic topics
  • A key stakeholder in the organisation of continuing training

Higher School for Labour (Ecole Supérieure du Travail - EST)

1, Porte de France
L-4360 Esch-sur-Alzette
Myriam Back *
+352 247 86132

Cindy Zambon **
+352 247 86203

Simone Legil ***
+352 247 86133
  • Training for staff delegates (Art. L. 415-10 of the Labour Code)
    Training regarding health and safety in the workplace (Art. L.414-14 of the Labour Code)*
  • Training for equality representatives (Art. L. 414-3 of the Labour Code)**
  • Additional training in social legislation for people managing a temporary work agency: employment law and social security law (Art. 3 of the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 14 December 1993 implementing Article L. 131 2 (4) of the Labour Code)***

National institute for the development of continuing vocational training (Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue - INFPC)

Immeuble CUBUS C2
2, rue Peternelchen
L-2370 Howald

Sam Friederici *
+352 46 96 12 219

Anne Oswald **
+352 46 96 12 209

Alex Durand ***
+352 46 96 12 201
  • Co-funding of training in the company*
  • Continuing training portal, **
  • Training Observatory ***

Initiativ Rëm Schaffen (IRS)

110, av. Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg

41, rue de Luxembourg
L-4220 Esch-Alzette

Maison sociale
40, av. Salentiny
L-9080 Ettelbrück

Marceline Filbig
+352 25 02 49
  • Vocational guidance
  • Personal assessment
  • Specialised training courses
    • For medical secretaries
    • For legal secretaries
    • For dental assistants

Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre, CSL continuing training

2–4, rue Pierre Hentges
L-1726 Luxembourg

Audrey Milani 1
Carole Ernsdorff 1
Melisa Sinanovic1
Alexia Meier 2
Mireille De Bruin 2
Véronique Kessler 3
Nenad Skenderija 3
Marina Netti 4
Sharon Martin 5
Claude Larsel 5

+352 2749 4600
  • Continuing training leading to a qualification
    Evening classes 1 and Seminars 2
    • Administration / Secretarial duties / Reception
    • Banking / Insurance
    • Office automation / IT / Telecoms
    • Communication / Marketing / Sales
    • Personal / professional development
    • Law
    • Economics / Management
    • Finance / Accounting / Taxation
    • Governance / Auditing / Risk management
    • Languages
    • Logistics / Purchasing
    • Management / Leadership
    • Quality / Environment
    • Human resources
    • Security / Wellness / Health in the workplace
    • Senior citizens
    • Social sector
  • Specialised training courses
    • Access to Higher Education Diploma literary option (DAEU-A) 3
    • Beginners' course in Luxembourgish, level A1.1 2
    • Training courses for senior citizens 2
    • Risk Management 4
    • Wealth Management 4
    • Certified Internal Control Specialist (Certificat en Contrôle Interne - CICS) 4
  • University courses 3
    • Master's degree (5 years of higher education)
    • Bachelor's degree (3 years of higher education)
    • University diplomas
  • European and international certifications 5
    • ICDL – World’s Leading Computer Skills Certification
    • Pearson Vue – IT Certification and Professional Licensing
    • Kryterion – GIAC: Global Information Assurance Certification
    • ACI (The Financial Markets Association) – Online exams

Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce - CC)

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-2981 Luxembourg

  • Initial vocational training
    • Training in the form of an apprenticeship
    • Improving the image of vocational training
    • Supervision of vocational education and organisation of apprenticeship scheme
    • Management of apprenticeship contracts
  • Continuing vocational training leading to a certificate or diploma

  • House of Training

    Offers a wide range of continuing vocational training courses structured in 4 main categories:

    • Training courses for business managers
    • Training courses for support activities (internal business organisation, human resources, accounting, law, taxation, IT, marketing & communication, safety & health in the workplace)
    • Training courses for the various sectors of the economy (insurance, banking, investment vehicles and managers, professionals in the financial sector, commerce, architecture, engineering & town planning, hospitality (HoReCa), real estate, industry, transport & logistics)


    This training provider specialising in IT courses offers, in collaboration with the House of Training, a range of products extending from traditional courses in office automation to multimedia systems, as well as high-level technical courses.


    The Institut Supérieur de l’Économie (ISEC) offers, in cooperation with partner universities and "hautes écoles", part-time degree courses (Bachelor and Master) for professionals from Luxembourg and the Greater Region who wish to develop in their business and obtain a university diploma.

    Our programmes:

    • Master 2 Management de la Qualité
    • Master 2 Management de Projet
    • Executive Mastère Spécialisé Gestion Internationale de Patrimoine

Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche - MESR)

18-20, Montée de la Pétrusse
L-2327 Luxembourg

+352 247 86619

Higher Education Information Service*
+352 247 88650

Drop-in consultations at the Maison de l'Orientation
From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. without appointment

Financial Aid Department (Service Aides financières) **
+352 247 88650

In the field of higher education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche) is responsible for the following areas:

  • Higher and university education
    • University of Luxembourg
    • Training courses leading to the Higher Technician Certificate (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - BTS)
    • Accreditation of private higher education establishments and their programmes
    • University of Luxembourg Competence Centre
  • Student life
    • Financial support from the State for students in higher education **
    • International grants
    • Information on higher education in the Grand Duchy and elsewhere *
    • Student accommodation
    • Relations with student associations
  • Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications (register of certificates, recognition of professional qualifications, accreditation in the law field)

Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse - MENJE)

Department of Adult Education (Service de la Formation des adultes - SFA)
15, rue Léon Hengen
L-1745 Luxembourg

Department of Vocational Training (Service de la Formation Professionnelle - SFP)
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg

  • Department of Adult Education (Service de la Formation des adultes - SFA)
    +352 8002 44 88
  • Department of Vocational Training (Service de la Formation Professionnelle - SFP)
    +352 247 85173
  • Unit for Validation of non-formal and informal learning (Cellule Validation des acquis de l'expérience - VAE)
    29, rue Aldringen
    L-1118 Luxembourg

    +352 247 75908
    +352 247 85912

    Make an appointment with the VAE team at 38, rue Philippe II L-2340 Luxembourg for personal advice on the procedure.
  • Department of Adult Education (Service de la Formation des adultes - SFA)
    • Back to education options
    • Basic education
    • General interest classes (languages, ICT, arts & crafts, well-being, etc.)
    • Training courses connected with integration and acquiring Luxembourgish nationality
    • Information, guidance and mentoring with regard to adult training projects

    Courses are offered in class and as distance learning.

  • Department of Vocational Training (Service de la Formation Professionnelle - SFP)
    • Collective access to continuing vocational training
    • Individual training leave
  • Unit for Validation of non-formal and informal learning (Cellule Validation des acquis de l'expérience - VAE)
    • A scheme for validating professional, personal and/or volunteer experience with the aim of obtaining all or part of a qualification.
    • Possibility of obtaining this qualification subject to certain conditions.
    • Administrative procedure (application for admissibility) and written application based on proof (application for validation based on content).
    • Possibility of being assisted throughout the procedure.
    • Validation of experience by one of the following qualifications:
      • the Vocational Capacity Certificate (Certificat de capacité professionnelle – CCP);
      • the Vocational Aptitude Diploma (Diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP);
      • the Technician's Diploma (Diplôme de technicien - DT);
      • the Secondary school leaving diploma - general secondary education;
      • the Master Craftsmanship in a trade.

NAXI - Centre for training and vocational integration for women (Centre de formation et d'insertion professionnelle pour femmes)

49A, rue du Baerendall
L-8212 Mamer

+352  40 71 51 1
Specific training courses and return to work for women


37-39, rue Felix de Blochausen
L-1243 Luxembourg

27, rue Emile Mayrisch
L- 4240 Esch-sur-Alzette

+352 26 55 12 13 60
+352 26 55 12 13 1

Tailor-made advice and equal opportunities in employment and training through individual and group consultations.

  • Vocational guidance and advice on continuing training
  • Support in the search for employment and preparing an application
  • Test and assessment of skills
  • Decision-making with a view to new professional and family-related prospects
  • Clarification of personal goals

Continuing training courses

  • Office-Assistentin/Office assistant
  • Tremplin/Sprungbrett/Springboard
  • 45plus
  • GesoL – Gesundheitsorientierte Laufbahnberatung / GesoL – orientation professionnelle axée sur la santé / GesoL - health-centred vocational guidance


Contact our Infoligne service
available from 9 to 12 am and from 2 to 5 pm