


Agréé par l'arrêté ministériel du 22 octobre 2015

Types of training provided

off-the-shelf and custom-made course

Other training-related activities

Skills audit, Support - Coaching, Training path management

Activity area

Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg (All regions)

Language(s) of service


Number of courses published


About us

Competence ASBL is an association which was created in 2013 by experienced HR professionals, trainers and coaches to help professionals in need of developing their competencies. Our multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-lingual team possesses a practical and sound knowledge of the Luxembourg employment market combined with an international exposure.

The daily work experience of our HR professionals and coaches shows them, that although most large companies offer good development programs to their employees, this is often not the case in small or micro companies.

Nowadays many employees are aware of the need for continued development of their competencies. However, if they receive no support from their employer, they do not know what to do. They need support to transform the trainings that they have done at their own initiative into a coherent skills portfolio and to transfer this into a strategic career development plan.

We often meet experienced professionals who are at a turning point in their career and want to re-orientate for different reasons. Many do not have a competent partner with an in-depth knowledge of the employment market and with whom they could brainstorm their ideas in order to identify and design a new career path.

Our experienced HR specialists and coaches have developed a range of services to assist and support these individuals.

Career orientation and key skills identification ("Bilan de compétences")

The coaches of the association support experienced and professionals considering a career reorientation by helping them identify their key skills and competencies ("Bilan de compétences") and design a career plan. This "Bilan" can be followed by subsequent coaching sessions to help these individuals implement their career plan.

Personal development plan

In today's constantly changing work environment, it is important for each employee to be responsible for their own personal sustainable development plan. Following a skills assessment, the coaches assist those interested in developing and implementing their personal development plan by integrating any measures offered by their employer as well as their own initiatives into a competency portfolio and then design a personal development plan taken into consideration the personal and professional aspirations.

Performance Coaching

Professionals who need to develop and foster their managerial and leadership skills can rely on the expertise of our coaches to help them in their development process.

Bootcamps and agile job seekers training

The association runs regular intensive bootcamps to help job seekers to prepare proactively for the job market. Our trainers and coaches also offer individual training and practical support in the preparation and writing of applications, identification of potential employers, employee branding.

All our services can be delivered face to face or as webinar or online coaching.

Competence ASBL is aware of its responsibilities towards the future generation of professionals and offers also a number of services that are designed specifically for pupils or students.

Services for pupils and students

The coaches of Competence ASBL offer several practical measures to support pupils and students in their orientation or in the search for a first internship or job by organising "Job Search Bootcamps" and "Bilan d’Orientation".

Intervention in schools and with student associations

Some members of the association (all HR Managers or HR specialists) work with schools to facilitate the link between school and the world of work by conducting seminars on various subjects. Competence ASBL has also been supporting student associations such as ACEL, ANESEC and ANEIL for several years by intervening during their events.

Competence ASBL provides schools and associations with the game "Job Hunt", a fun approach to ask the right questions when looking for an internship or a first job.

Teaching methods

  • Interactive trainings
  • Individual coaching
  • Bootcamps (intensive training)
  • "Bilans de compétences"
  • "Bilans d'Orientation"

Training domains

Personal and professional development

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Permanent trainer(s)