Business Science Institute Luxembourg



Agréé par l'arrêté ministériel du 18 mars 2014

Types of training provided

Off-the-shelf course

Activity area

France, Germany, Luxembourg (North)

Language(s) of service


Number of courses published


About us

Founded in 2012, the Business Science Institute is an internationally networked academic institution located in Luxembourg, specializing in global executive education at the doctoral level.

In collaboration with the IAELYON School of Management at the University of Lyon Jean Moulin 3 in France, our Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program offers a distinctive opportunity to advance your career without compromising your professional responsibilities. This international and flexible part-time program allows you to pursue your studies while continuing to excel in your current role.

The program is structured into three phases. In the initial phase, you will complete five comprehensive modules, either in-person or online, designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge essential for the successful completion of your DBA. Once you have successfully finished this phase, you will proceed to phases two and three, focusing on your thesis.

Invest in your professional future by embarking on a unique DBA educational journey with the Business Science Institute.

Key Features:

  • Double Degree qualification in partnership with the public university "iaelyon School of Management - University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3"
  • AMBA accredited (since 2020)
  • A roster of 150+ highly available and engaged international professors
  • A library of 50+ DBA books authored by our professors and doctors
  • Responsive and committed DBA support team
  • Thriving international community
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Teaching methods

The Executive DBA programme is organized into three separate phases:

Phase 1 is equally devoted to:

  • Core seminars focusing on the acquisition of knowledge and the methodologies available for research
  • The definition of your thesis topic, which in taking into account your preferences, should emerge over the course of the seminars and your discussions with professors.

Phase 2 is devoted to the initial stages in the writing of your thesis, a process that takes place under the supervision of a professor from Business Science Institute's Scientific Committee.

Phase 3 focuses on you writing up the final version of your thesis and the organisation of a mock defence to help you prepare for this important stage in your learning journey. Finally, you will defend your Executive DBA thesis duriing the Annual International Week held at Château de Wiltz (Luxembourg) during the last week in September.

Training domains

Company management, Human resources

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Hours of training per year
Attendees per year
Permanent trainer(s)

Catalogs to download