
S.à r.l.-S



Types of training provided

off-the-shelf and custom-made course

Other training-related activities

Information, Mediation, Skills audit, Support - Coaching

Activity area

Belgium, France, Luxembourg (All regions)

Language(s) of service


Number of courses published


About us

Our vision:

Contribute to the necessary changes in our society by rediscovering the values of sharing and benevolence.

Through our training and thanks to the expertise of our team, we wish to participate in the transformation of society by promoting the development of socio-emotional and relational behaviors, the interpersonal skills that contribute to positively change the life of each human being., from child to adult.

Our mission:

Our skills at the service of social progress!

At any age it is possible to change, evolve, question yourself, reconnect with yourself and with others.

Sharing and transmitting our knowledge, our humanist values to allow everyone to feel better in their body, their mind, in phase with themselves and thus better interact with others, this is our mission!

Let us accompany you!

EmoSkills is the only organization dedicated exclusively to the development of your socio-emotional and relational skills, to your interpersonal skills.

You will find a wide range of face-to-face or distance training, if necessary tailor-made, given by professionals in emotional management, the development of human potential, the relationship with the child, alternative pedagogies, which will give you the keys very concrete and practical to apply on a day-to-day basis.

Individual and collective support is possible for people / teams wishing personalized follow-up, as well as skills assessments.

For companies, Emoskills is the official partner of Gamelearn, the world leader in serious games: you will have the opportunity to carry out numerous training courses remotely which will develop your skills while having fun, followed by support provided by experts in each of the themes addressed.

Companies and individuals

Educational community

Teaching methods

Training courses whose teaching is based on a fair balance between theoretical, didactic and practical courses using very concrete tools and exercises and innovative teaching methods.

Webinars that are intended to be very interactive, very open to discussion and involving the experience and experiences of participants (only with consent).

Blended learning thanks to our serious games combined with human expertise.

Our organization offers methods, tools and exercises used ethically and deontologically, always with respect for the participant.

Training domains

Company management, Human resources
Health, Social action
Social action
Personal and professional development
Sciences, Social and human sciences

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Hours of training per year
Attendees per year
Permanent trainer(s)

Catalogs to download