HEMERA by Plumeria Path

S.à r.l.



Types of training provided

off-the-shelf and custom-made course

Other training-related activities

Management and organisation consulting, Skills audit, Support - Coaching, Training course planning and design, Training path management

Activity area

Belgium, France, Luxembourg (All regions)

Language(s) of service


Number of courses published


About us

HEMERA supports teams and leaders in their evolution towards greater awareness, heart and performance.

We put our skills and our commitment to the transition on two levels:

  • Individual development for more awareness of self and others.
  • collective development to stimulate and develop new ways of acting together to meet the present and future challenges of our environment.

Our offers take the form of individual coaching, relationship coaching, team coaching, organizational coaching, as well as in-person or virtual trainings.

Teaching methods

Distance or in-person, our training courses are experiential, practical and immediately useful, both in the professional world and in the private sphere. They exist to activate change from the inside.

We make it a point of honour to lead everyone towards autonomy in their own transformation process.

Training domains

Personal and professional development

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Permanent trainer(s)