Studying while working
The Institut Supérieur de l'Économie (ISEC) is an institution of higher education founded by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce) and the Chamber of Crafts (Chambre des Métiers).
The ISEC offers Bachelor and Master courses designed for professionals in Luxembourg and the Greater Region who wish to develop within their company and obtain a university degree validating specific skills.
Benefiting from the experience and know-how of several partner universities, the training courses provided by ISEC are currently centered around the students acquiring fundamental knowledge in the fields of business and global management, digital transformation, innovation and the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Simultaneously, and thanks to its close ties to employer's associations and companies, the ISEC offers a practice-oriented training, aiming to fulfill the needs of the economy.
The educational and professional background of each applicant will be taken into account during the admission process. The recognition of diplomas and of professional experience is also possible (Validation des acquis de l’expérience).