Purchasing and Scope 3: Successfully involve your suppliers and collect data

Inter and intra-company training

Who is the training for?

CEO, COO, responsable ESG & RSE, Directeur Achats, Acheteurs et acheteuses

Level reached



At the client's discretion

La durée est adaptée aux besoins et exigences de nos clients

Language(s) of service



Understand the principles of scope 3, its links with purchasing organizations

Understand data collection, and their precisions or approximations

Develop strategies for involving tier 1 suppliers and beyond


  • Scope 3 (GHG Protocol and carbon footprint)
  • Sustainable purchasing: its principles and its links with the issue of carbon data
  • Influence and involvement of suppliers: motivations, questionnaire, adaptation of contracts, how far to go
  • Data management, carbon data collection solutions and tools

Points covered

Scope 3
Achats durables
Influence et implication des fournisseurs
Gestion des données, solutions et outils de collectes des données carbones

Teaching methods

Apport théorique et pratique

Certificate, diploma

Attestation de présence

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