FR Diplôme en Risk Management (DRM) Chambre des salariés - LLLC Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 07.10.2025
FR Master Banque, Finance, Assurance, parcours Fonds de Gestion Privée (BFA) Chambre des salariés - LLLC Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Asset management 05.11.2025
EN Pricing, valuation of derivative products (S1223) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Financial products 01.01.2099
FR La compréhension des instruments boursiers (C6015) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets 01.01.2099
FR Les risques de durabilité et volet ESG (S-BA0014) Chambre des salariés - LLLC Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 07.10.2025