AML/CTF blended training for boards of directors (investment funds and IFMs)

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

This blended course is designed for the boards of directors of investment funds and investment fund managers.

Level reached



1,75 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



Money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation financing pose significant challenges with a substantial societal cost.

Headlines about scandals involving European financial institutions, the war in Ukraine and the support of Russian oligarchs in this conflict have only underscored the gravity of the issue.

The United Nations estimates that between 2 and 5% of the global GDP is laundered annually. Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) and Counter Proliferation Financing (CPF) are topics of the highest importance for the financial sector, facing an increased risk of being exploited by criminals.

In Luxembourg, it is the responsibility of the board of directors of investment funds and investment fund managers (IFMs) to ensure the compliance of their company or vehicles with applicable rules.

Our blended programme has been designed to meet the needs of this audience. It is divided into two parts: a digital session and a subsequent live session delivered by our most seasoned AML experts. Participants will first complete the digital session via PwC's Academy's eLearning platform then join their dedicated live session.

Our blended programme will allow participants:

  • To walk through important concepts pertaining to AML/CTF given participants' role, in a convenient and agile way.
    • We will cover in particular:
      • the legal and regulatory requirements in the area of AML/CTF/CPF;
      • the latest changes in the international, European and Luxembourg legal and regulatory frameworks;
      • the changes and the latest CSSF and FIU circulars, regulations and annual reports;
      • the professional obligations and responsibilities of board members as expected by Luxembourg AML/CTF/CPF regulations;
      • the legislative changes brought by the EU AML Package.
  • To prepare participants for the live session where we will interact around those important topics and their latest developments.


1. Digital session

Key concepts pertaining to AML/CTF.
Legal and regulatory framework in Luxembourg and beyond.
Obligations and responsibilities of board members.


The digital solution is to be completed prior the live session.
A comprehensive reference material can be downloaded along with the video transcripts to support your learning and daily practice.

Designed for success

Developed with the best PwC’s AML experts.
List the latest obligations with regards to the AML requirements.
Updated with latest AML regulatory requirements.

Premium learning experience

High quality and engaging videos.
Seasoned experts of the PwC AML taskforce being professionals specialised in asset management and alternatives.

2. Live session

This 30 minutes long Q&A live session will be an interactive webinar discussion around:

  • your practical questions further to the digital session;
  • the Luxembourg market insights;
  • the practical applications of various points relevant for your type of IFMs or investment funds;
  • the activities of the Luxembourg regulator;
  • the details of the FATF report on Luxembourg;
  • the expectations with regards to the forthcoming EU AML package.

Additional information

This training is sponsored by Birgit Goldak, Partner at PwC Luxembourg heading the AML services practice.

She coordinates AML services delivery with dedicated partners and their team, each specialised in a specific field of this broad and complex topic.

Birgit, AML Services Leader, is specialised in the field of asset management and the various investment vehicles including alternative funds. As a recognised subject matter expert, she regularly provides dedicated training to the professionals of the asset management industry and is a keynote speaker on AML/CTF matters. She is a seasoned Boards of Directors trainer and has more than 20 years of international work experience in Luxembourg, UK, Canada and Germany.

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