FR Bâle III (CRR, CRR 2, CRD IV, CRD V, CRR3) Pilier 2: ICAAP, ILAAP STRESS TESTS, RAF - Classe virtuelle Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 05.12.2024
FR Dispositif prudentiel pour les entreprises d'investissement On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Banking law 01.01.2099
FR FRTB l'essentiel - Classe virtuelle On request Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 01.01.2099
FR Environnement comptable et contrôle interne - Classe virtuelle On request Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 01.01.2099
FR Lutte anti-fraude : guide opérationnel - Classe virtuelle AFGES / Distanciel Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 29.11.2024