Anglais-conversation - B1.1 du CECRL (LA-EN-29 2024/2025)

Non-formal training

Who is the training for?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences

Level reached

CEFRL - Level B1


50,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service


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Avoir le niveau A2


Etre capable de se débrouiller suffisamment bien en anglais au quotidien / de vous exprimer succinctement sur des sujets d'actualité / de comprendre des conversations quotidiennes et d'y participer, de donner votre opinion, d'échanger des idées sur des sujets actuels, de comprendre les grandes lignes d'un texte formulé en termes simples avec des mots courants, de comprendre les grandes lignes des informations radiodiffusées, télévisées, de raconter un événement.


    • I can make small talk, participate in daily conversation and talk about myself in greater detail
    • I can express my opinion about current events with some hesitation.
    • I can narrate certain events, describe an experience or dream in greater detail.
    • I can give advice, describe an obligation and ask for permission.
    • I can make arrangements for a meeting or appointment.
    • I can talk about myself, my job, using the appropriate grammar and vocabulary, with some hesitation.
    • I can talk about my work, my family, acquaintances and people who surround me, quite well, with some hesitation.
    • I can give my opinion and argue, using more complex words like, "however, nonetheless, but and nevertheless".
    • I can talk about current events and what is happening around me quite well, with some hesitation.
    • I can discuss dates and times for meeting people and appointments.
    • I can join words such as: "nevertheless, but, however and nonetheless" in order to give opinions and engage in a longer verbal exchange.
    • I can talk about current events and longer articles quite well, with some hesitation.
    • I can provide my opinion and talk about myself, using the present continuous, the past continuous, the present perfect, the past perfect and the passive voice quite well, with some hesitation.
    • I can make conversation and talk about my meetings and appointments in a more detailed manner, with some hesitation.
    • I can talk about my dreams, hopes and experiences quite well, with some hesitation.

Certificate, diploma

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition : 70% de taux de participation)

Next session

Language and price

EN 125,00€

Mode of organisation

Les inscriptions et les demandes d'informations s'effectuent directement auprès de l'organisateur qui délivre la formation.

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