DE Ihre konnektive Intelligenz verbessern (S-EL0062) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Problem solving 01.01.2099
FR Améliorer son intelligence connective (S-EL0062) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Problem solving 01.01.2099
DE Stärkung des Selbstwertgefühls in Arbeitsbeziehungen (S-EL0053) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Interpersonal relations 01.01.2099
FR L'intelligence émotionnelle (C5053) On request Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Emotional intelligence 01.01.2099
FR Favoriser l'émergence d'idées créatives (S-EL0043) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Individual creativity 01.01.2099