FR Lesosai 2016 & les labels ECO: Minergie-A et Eco, DGNB et BREEAM On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Eco construction - Building energy performance - Building energy performance label 01.01.2099
DE Recyclage vérification et réception des échafaudages de pied (Module F0 suivant recommandation de l’ AAA) On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Site equipment - Scaffolding 01.01.2099
FR Deviseur * Calculateur On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Works contract 01.01.2099
FR Implantation-Traçage * Deuxième niveau On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Layout and tracing 01.01.2099
FR Conducteur de chantier Efficacité énergétique : Rénovation durable On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Eco construction - Building energy performance 01.01.2099