FR Lecture de plans * Niveau 1 On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Reading public works plans 01.01.2099
FR Utilisation LAND2MAP On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Layout and tracing 01.01.2099
FR Lesosai 2016 & les labels ECO: Minergie-A et Eco, DGNB et BREEAM On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Eco construction - Building energy performance - Building energy performance label 01.01.2099
FR Sensibilisation à la sécurité au travail On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works safety 01.01.2099
FR Formation continue coordinateur SST - Chantier: travaux préliminaires On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Preparing a public works site 01.01.2099