Travaillez, voyagez et intégrez avec des personnes qui parlent d'autres langues.
4 semaines
Why take an online VR + language course:
Can understand the main ideas of a complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their area of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity which makes regular interaction with native speakers entirely possible without constraint on either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on a topical issue, giving the pros and cons of various options.
Total immersion courses are all about getting into an authentic everyday situation to learn a language practically, so when you are in one of these real-life situations you will be prepared!
The course is differentiated by CEFR (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), Comprehensive (covers a wide range of topics) and Scaffolded to encourage learners' full production of the target language.
Le cours combine la reconnaissance vocale automatisée avec les technologies VR (vidéo 360), pour "immerger" les apprenants dans des expériences culturelles authentiques + cours en ligne.
OHC ASBL Certificat
Cours recommandé pour 3 heures d'étude quotidienne, pendant 20 jours.