FR Balisage de chantier On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Preparing a public works site 01.01.2099
DE Retrait de produits en amiante-ciment à l’air libre pour responsable (RGD 04/07/2007) On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works safety - Risque sanitaire batiment - Asbestos risk 01.01.2099
FR Atelier sécurité 4 h On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works safety 01.01.2099
FR Chef de chantier Junior : Implantation-Traçage-Nivellement On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Layout and tracing 01.01.2099
FR Enveloppe du bâtiment : intégration des isolants biosourcés On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Eco construction - Building energy performance 01.01.2099