FR L'introduction au monde des fonds d'investissement (S-BA0016) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Financial products 01.01.2099
FR La banque à Luxembourg: une approche pratique (C6012) On request Banking and insurance - Banking 01.01.2099
FR Éclairage sur le rôle de conseiller en investissement financier (S-BA0012) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Portfolio management 01.01.2099
FR L'investissement durable: Investir en pleine conscience (S-BA0011) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Portfolio management 01.01.2099
EN Managing and selling investment products (C6051) - distance learning Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Asset management 01.01.2099