Kubernetes Fundamentals

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

  • Application developers
  • Software Quality specialists
  • DevOps specialists

Level reached



3,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



This training helps to get started with Kubernetes. It is designed for beginners who have no previous experience with container orchestration or cloud technologies. The course gives an understanding of the Kubernetes cloud-native platform and then describes its structure. The course includes many Hands-on labs that teach how to deploy and configure applications on Kubernetes clusters.


Understanding the Kubernetes architecture
Details of the Kubernetes architecture
What makes up a Kubernetes cluster?
Start a Single node cluster locally with minikube
Using the Kubernetes dashboard

Deploying applications on Kubernetes
Application deployment using Kubectl
Application deployment using the yaml manifest
Managing containers with Pods
Basic Commands of Kubectl

Scaling apps in Kubernetes
Overview of Services
Labels and Selectors
Exposing deployed app outside the Kubernetes cluster
Scaling up and scaling down the application replicas
Updating and Rolling back updates

Managing State with Deployments
Statefull vs Stateless applications
Persistent Volumes
Persistent Volume Claims
Storage classes

Kubernetes monitoring & logging
Container logging
Kubernetes component logging
Alerting best practices
Prometheus deep-dive
Integrating Prometheus with Grafana

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