Luxembourgish A1 online, for coaches

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

This course is suitable for all sports coaches, personal development coaches, physiotherapists, speech therapists, hypnocoaches, sofrologists....

Level reached

CEFRL - Level A1


30,00 hours(s)

30-hour module divided into 20 units of 90 minutes, every day except Sundays

Language(s) of service





This intensive group course focuses on your communication skills in Luxembourgish:

  • To be able to express yourself fluently and interact with your clients on a daily basis
  • Improve your oral comprehension of Luxembourgish
  • Improve your oral expression in Luxembourgish
  • Expand your knowledge of Luxembourgish vocabulary and grammar


  • Know how to present yourself and your business, communicate with your clients during your services
  • Conduct simple everyday conversations
  • Learn useful structures to enable you to coach in Luxembourgish
  • Ask open and closed questions
  • Numbers, dates, days, months and seasons
  • Vocabulary specific to your professional field, feelings and adjectives

Teaching methods

  • learning by integrating all the senses
  • 100% practice and real-life situations
  • role-playing
  • special movements to synchronise the two hemispheres of the brain to facilitate learning and increase concentration

Certificate, diploma

Certificate attesting to the level acquired at the end of the course

Additional information

This course is divided into two parts:

1) For 90 minutes we focus solely on oral practice.

2) For the second part you will receive daily exercises and listening exercises, which are related to the content of the oral part, allowing you to see if you have assimilated the material well.

This part will allow you to make rapid progress in your understanding. Each evening, the answers to the exercises will be sent to you by e-mail so that you can check the results of your homework. You will need about 30-45 minutes to work on the second part.

3) Once you have completed the confinement, you may also wish to participate in conversation evenings which are organised specifically to give you the opportunity to practice outside of your course.