Luxembourgish A1 - Full level

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

Newly arrived in Luxembourg, people who want to integrate into the country, professionals and students.

Level reached

CEFRL - Level A1


60,00 hours(s)

Cours composé de 10 semaines (50 heures en ligne + 10 heures avec le professeur)

Language(s) of service



  • Knowing how to greet, inform others about himself, be able to make contact with other people.
  • Knowing how to introduce yourself, knowing how to relate to others, initiate a conversation.
  • Know how to talk about his work, daily activities, family, playful activities.
  • Being able to explain situations concerning daily life, such as finding accommodation, going to the bank, to the doctor.
  • To be able to answer questions concerning his subjects.
  • Be able to communicate using simple language.


  • Learn to communicate and exchange information in a simple way through basic questioning and using auxiliary verbs and other verbs very common in the present tense.
  • Understand simple answers and general ideas in a context.
  • Be able to recognize language sounds correctly, read and spell separate words or related words.

Certificate, diploma

OHC ASBL Certificat

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