Portuguese Course A1

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

  • People who want to get a job or improve their job

Level reached

CEFRL - Level A1


80,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



  • Know how to greet, inform others about your person, be able to contact other people.
  • Knowing how to present oneself, knowing how to relate to others, initiating a conversation.
  • Knowing how to talk about work, daily activities, family, fun activities.
  • Being able to explain situations concerning daily life, such as looking for accommodation, going to the bank, to the doctor.
  • Being able to answer questions about their subjects.
  • Being able to communicate using simple language.


  • Learn to communicate and exchange information in a simple way by basic questioning and using auxiliary verbs and other verbs very common in the present tense.
  • Understand simple answers and general ideas in a context.
  • Be able to recognize the sounds of the language correctly, read and spell separate words or related words.


Evaluation test, if needed (We charge 55 euros per hour)

Certificate, diploma

OHC ASBL Certificat

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