EN Derivatives: Options contracts - the fundamentals (S-BA0008) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Financial products 01.01.2099
FR Master Banque, Finance, Assurance, parcours Fonds de Gestion Privée (BFA) On request Banking and insurance 01.01.2099
EN Financial advisory lantern (S-BA0012) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Banking services - Administration of assets 01.01.2099
FR Gestion de fonds: Comparaison entre fonds traditionnels et fonds alternatifs (S-BA0006) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Portfolio management 01.01.2099
EN Sustainable investments: the choices over where we put our money (S-BA0011) On request Banking and insurance - Banking - Financial markets - Portfolio management 01.01.2099