FR Excel pour la gestion (C2011) On request Software - Office software - Spreadsheet software - Excel software 01.01.2099
FR Excel 2019: Analyse de données: Tableaux de données et tableaux croisés dynamiques (S-EL0009) E-Learning Software - Office software - Spreadsheet software - Excel software 01.01.2099
FR Gestion de projet: Méthodologie et mise en pratique avec Project 2016 (S-EL0036) E-Learning Software - Project management software - Ms-project software 01.01.2099
EN Excel 2019: From essential to advanced skills (with self-assessment test) (S-EL0001) E-Learning Software - Office software - Spreadsheet software - Excel software 01.01.2099
EN Outlook 2019: Make good use of your messaging system (S-EL0023) E-Learning Software - E-mail management software - Outlook software 01.01.2099