DE Recyclage montage et démontage échafaudages de pied (Module F1 svt AAA) On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Site equipment - Scaffolding 01.01.2099
FR Formation Safety Toolbox On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works safety 01.01.2099
FR ABC Étude de sol On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Preparing a public works site 01.01.2099
DE Montage et démontage des échafaudages de pied (Module F1 suivant recommandation de l’AAA) On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Public works site - Site equipment - Scaffolding 01.01.2099
FR Performance de l’enveloppe du bâtiment On request Design and organisation of public works and buildi - Eco construction - Building energy performance 01.01.2099