FR Optimiser le potentiel d'un réseau organisé (S-EL0063) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Interpersonal relations 01.01.2099
FR Et si on passait par là… ? Libérez votre génie intérieur (S-DP0046) On request Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Individual creativity 01.01.2099
EN Identify Your Professional Strengths and What You Need to Improve (S-EL0047) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness 01.01.2099
DE Ihre Kommunikation am Stil Ihres Gegenübers ausrichten (S-EL0056) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Interpersonal relations - Communication in the workplace 01.01.2099
EN Troubleshoot a Product Problem (S-EL0052) E-Learning Personal and professional development - Personal effectiveness - Problem solving 01.01.2099