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Banking and insurance

Last update : 22.07.2020


Used for training courses related to the banking sector (financial markets, banking regulations) and insurance (damages, business or personal).

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

Inquire training offers and training providers of this domain


Actuarial science

Banking (392)

       Bank management and operation (27)

       Bank marketing (2)

              Corporate client base

              Local authority client base

              Private client base (1)

       Bank relations

       Bank security

       Banking law (84)

       Banking services (29)

              Administration of assets (15)

              Bank loans (11)

                     Property loans (2)

              Foreign banking operations

              Owner's equity operations

       Financial markets (228)

              Asset management (3)

              Back office (10)

              Company savings

              Employee savings

              Financial products (130)

              Front office

              Initiation to the stock exchange (1)

              Portfolio management (9)

              Securitisation (2)

       Monetics (1)

Banking and insurance risk management (188)

Insurance (89)

       Civil liability insurance (3)

       Company insurance (1)

       General insurance (15)

              Construction insurance (3)

              Fire insurance

              Local authority insurance

              Motor vehicle insurance (3)

              Private property insurance (3)

              Reinsurance (3)

              Transportation insurance

       Insurance law (6)

       Insurance survey

       Personal insurance (28)

              Accident insurance

              Life insurance (21)

       Sale of insurance (8)

Training the banking and insurance trainer