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Design and organisation of public works and buildings

Last update : 25.06.2020


Used only for very general training courses in design and organisation techniques for buildings and public works.

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

Inquire training offers and training providers of this domain


Architecture (34)

       Bioclimatic architecture

Client (3)

Eco construction (70)

       Building energy performance (53)

              Building energy audit (4)

              Building energy performance label (17)

              Building thermal and leak analysis (1)

              Energy performance contract

              Thermal regulations for buildings

       Haute qualite environnementale (1)

Facilities for the disabled (4)

Layout and tracing (4)

Managing a public works company (3)

Marketing of public works

Project design and construction supervision (3)

Public works drafting (1)

Public works law (10)

Public works quality

Public works quantity survey (5)

       Specialist survey

Public works safety (39)

       Risque sanitaire batiment (16)

              Asbestos risk (9)

              Lead risk

              Risk of radon

              Risque legionellose (4)

       Sps coordination

Public works site (61)

       Acceptance of works (1)

       Managing a public works site (9)

       Managing public works (1)

       Preparing a public works site (9)

       Site equipment (33)

              Scaffolding (29)

Public works terminology (1)

Reading public works plans (4)

Works contract (2)

Works resistance (4)

       Construction pathology (3)