Part of the law governing taxes.
Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formationSource: Centre INFFO, 2020
TAX LAW (135)
Added value
Business tax
Company taxation (42)
Association taxation
Grouping taxation (1)
Partnership taxation (21)
Tax system
Fiscal deficit
Taxable income
Individual taxation (25)
Capital tax (1)
Income tax (13)
International tax legislation (14)
European tax legislation (11)
Non-salaried employee taxation
Parafiscal tax
Personal property taxation (3)
Property taxation (8)
Property tax
Registration fee
Single contribution - sandwich vocational training
Contribution - vocational training
Tax audit
Tax exemption
Tax form
Automated employee data form (to be completed by e
Tax return
Tax inspection
Social insurance contributions inspection
Tax disputes
Tax on wages (1)
Apprenticeship tax
Participation in the construction effort tax
Vat (33)
Intracommunity vat (1)