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Company management, Human resources

Last update : 07.07.2020


This family of domains includes the following training domains:

Management supervision

A group of people who are empowered by the management of a company to give instructions in respect of the execution of tasks.

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Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Sales management Purchase

To be used for global training courses in commercial management.

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Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Crm (22)

Customer satisfaction (20)

       After-sales services

       Developing a marketing sense (1)

Marketing (90)

       E-marketing (39)

       Marketing by sector (4)

              Industrial marketing

       Operational marketing (6)

              Direct marketing (4)

                     Direct mailing

              Market research

              Marketing mix (1)

              Product research

                     Product manager

       Strategic marketing (1)

              Brand management (1)

              Ethical marketing

Marketing strategy (11)

Publicity (4)

Purchasing (22)

       Marketing purchasing (1)

       Purchasing group

       Purchasing negotiations (3)

       Purchasing quality

       Supplier management (1)

       Sustainable procurement (5)

Sales administration (5)

       Following up outstanding accounts (2)

       Invoicing (1)

       Managing customer risk

       Sale price



Financial management Accounting

All management and accounting activities relating to the financing of a company, the use of its financial resources, the recording of its commercial transactions and to their translation into management areas.
Used for general financial management training.

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Accounting (121)

       Accounting standard (32)

       Activity-based management

       Analytic accounting (7)

              Assessment of profitability

              Cost price (2)

              Costs (1)

       Chartered accountancy (2)

              Accounts audit (1)

              Accounts inspection

       Foreign accounting

       General accounting (59)

              Balance sheet (8)

              Chart of accounts (4)

              Income statement (5)

              Inventory (1)

              Posting payroll charges (10)


Accounts consolidation (10)

Budgetary control (8)

       Budgetary management (3)

Company financing (18)

       Investment (7)

       Liquidity (8)

              International liquidity (2)

Financial analysis (26)

       Financial evaluation of a company (6)

       Financial ratio

       Statement of source and application of funds

Financial risk management (4)

Management of organisations

Used for general training courses regarding the administration and management of organisations, institutions, structures or companies regardless of their status (public or private).

Domaine de formation du Formacode® - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Training and education consulting

Used for training courses related to teaching practices and to the design, creation and assessment of training courses together with teaching methods and tools.

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Education sciences

Educational theory (16)

       Educational relations

       Individualised teaching

       Instructional methods (15)

              Cognitive teachability (2)

                     Instrumental enrichment programme

                     Logical reasoning workshop


              Instructional tools (3)

                     Educational games (2)

                     Educational multimedia (1)

              Open and distance learning (8)

                     Design of educational multimedia (8)

                     Distance learning tutoring

       Specific state education

              Intercultural educational theory

              State education in difficulty

              The battle against illiteracy

       Teaching methods

              Language teaching methods

       Work-linked training and apprenticeship educationa

Training consulting (75)

       Design of training actions (3)

       Evaluation of training

       Training adviser

       Training audit

       Training management (22)

              Management of work-linked training and apprentices

              Managing a twi company

                     Training program definition

              Purchasing training (2)

              Training manager (16)

                     Training plan (13)

       Training needs

       Training standardisation

       Training the trainer (49)

              Teacher training

                     Knowledge of teaching syllabus

              Training the casual trainer (4)

              Training the specialist trainer (2)

Training in support work (24)

       Mentoring (22)

       Recognition of Prior Learning

       Vocational guidance techniques (1)

              Vocational integration consulting

Human resources

Human resources administration (payroll, employment contracts etc.) and human resources development (skills management, conducting interviews etc.).

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Company mediation (7)

Company social strategy (8)

       Company league tables (2)

              Social report (1)

Employee integration (18)

Expatriation and impatriation (10)

Human resources audits (3)

Interview techniques (38)

       Evaluation interviews (14)

       Professional interview techniques (5)

       Recruitment interview techniques (13)

Knowledge management (3)

Personnel administration (143)

       Election in companies (3)

       Employment contracts (11)

       Laying off (3)

       Planned redundancy scheme (1)

       Recruitment (33)


       System of remuneration (51)

Personnel establishments skills planning (18)

Personnel evaluations (11)


Retirement (8)

Social security (1)

Temporary work

Working hours management (26)

       Reducing working hours

       Remote working (20)

Working relations (6)

       Industrial conflict (1)

       Industrial negotiations

       Personnel representation (3)

              Social and economic committee

              Trade union representation

Secretarial and assistantship

Used for training courses that prepare participants for secretarial or assistant roles, together with refresher and competence improvement training.

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

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Administrative techniques (1)

       Filing (1)

Professional correspondence

Reception (19)

       Conversing on the telephone (11)


Secretariat quality


Shorthand/typing (1)


              Foreign language stenography


       Typing (1)


Specialist secretariat (5)

       Accounting secretariat

       Architecture secretarial assistantship

       Buildings and public works secretarial assistantship

       Communication secretarial assistantship

       Engineer secretarial assistantship

       Human resources secretariat

       Legal secretariat (1)

       Management assistance (4)

       Marketing secretarial assistantship

       Medico-social secretariat

       Multilingual secretariat

       Project secretarial assistantship

       Property secretarial assistantship

       Sales secretariat

              International sales secretariat

                     Import export secretarial assistantship

              Sales correspondence

       Sme/smi secretariat

       Training secretariat

Tele-secretarial services