FR Gestion éthique de la relation client : stratégies et bonnes pratiques Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Insurance - Sale of insurance 01.01.2099
FR De la Vente traditionnelle à Vente consultative - Partie 1 : Adapter son approche commerciale et construire des relations durables Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Insurance - Sale of insurance 01.01.2099
EN AML/CFT overview Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 22.11.2024
FR Les actifs sous-jacents au contrat d'assurance vie luxembourgeois Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Insurance - Personal insurance - Life insurance 01.01.2099
FR Fraudes: cas pratiques Blended-Learning Banking and insurance - Banking and insurance risk management 01.01.2099