Evolve to the function of HR Business Partner: To become HRBP, HR Manager or HR Manager

Inter and intra-company training

Who is the training for?

Salarié(e)s de la fonction RH et toutes personnes en charge de cette fonction dans l’entreprise ou désireuse d’y accéder.


6,00 day(s)

Sessions peuvent être organisées en journée ou demi-journée

Language(s) of service



  • Discover the function of HRBP.
  • Study all the actions he can exercise.
  • Master the fundamentals of communication techniques and tools to use.
  • Deploy the HR policy in the field, support the objectives and business challenges of an activity.


Day 1: Role of the HR Business Partner and position in the organization
  • Rely on the fundamentals of self-knowledge
  • Know the main objectives of the HRBP
  • Understand the role and missions of the HRBP
  • Differences with neighboring trades
  • Discover the ethical and deontological framework of the HRBP
  • Key skills to use and/or develop
Day 2: Counseling and coaching skills
  • Tools that help develop the ability to support, listen and set concrete goals
Day 3: Analysis and improvement of business processes
  • The fundamentals of social audit
  • Diagnose its HR processes and identify its priority areas for improvement
  • Propose and carry out an action plan based on the deviations
  • Identify new HR challenges (digitalization, societal changes, etc.)
Day 4: Strategic HR management and reporting
  • Build the strategic HR management system of his company
  • Acquire key indicators taking into account the evolutions of organizations
  • Set up the 4 categories of indicators to measure: HR management policies, the social climate, the performance of the HR function and the contribution of the HR function to the creation of company value
Day 5: The communication and marketing missions of the HR department
  • Identify the levers of attraction of his company
  • Define the actions and communication channels adapted to the different audiences
  • Engage employees to become company ambassadors
  • Integrating digital into the deployment of the employer brand
Day 6: Assessment and personal development plan
  • Discovery of the characteristics specific to his personality type
  • Integrate the development path of its type
  • Understand and analyze behaviors under stress
  • Scenario around a theme of change brought by the person concerned
  • Definition of a short-medium-long term action plan

Teaching methods

La formation alterne les apports théoriques et la réflexion personnelle, les échanges, les exercices pratiques et les mises en situation.

Certificate, diploma

Une attestation de formation sera délivrée à l'issue de la formation.

Organization contact details

Géraldine Delcourt

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