Training Sarl-S: incorporation, management and obligations au Luxembourg

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

This presentation is mainly intended for:

  • To entrepreneurs
  • To startups
  • To business project leaders

Level reached



2,00 unit(s) of 50 min

Language(s) of service



No special skills are required to participate in this training.


The steps to create a commercial company can be simplified but the manager remains responsible before the law for the acts of management and the expenses related to the administration of the structure must be anticipated. The simplified limited liability company also called S.à r.l.-S. (company at 1 euro or even 1-1-1) has been used since January 2017 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This legal form of a simplified commercial company is already widely used.

Although simplified, the law imposes on managers many obligations identical to the management and administration obligations of Sàrl: establishment authorization, filing of annual accounts, registration...

This training is a summary of the main legal obligations and management reflexes that the manager of a Sàrl-S must have. It is intended for start-ups, managers and entrepreneurs who wish to develop an activity in Luxembourg.


The program of this training contains:

  • Presentation of the different legal forms of commercial companies in Luxembourg
  • Some statistics on the S.à r.l.-S

Legal obligations

  • The characteristics of the Sàrl-S compared to the Sàrl
  • Laws applicable in Luxembourg
  • Establishment authorizations, registration with the CCSS and other declarations
  • Taxes and duties: income tax, wealth tax, VAT...
  • The planning of legal obligations
  • Case studies

Managing a Sàrl-S

  • The business plan and the business plan
  • The main charges of the Sàrl-S
  • Management indicators
  • Train and adopt the right management reflexes

Points covered

This training is interactive. At the end of the training, they will have

  • Knowledge necessary to master the obligations related to the statute of the Sàrl-S.
  • Know how to evaluate the costs associated with this structure.
  • Reflexes to manage their company.
  • Plan your obligations.

Teaching methods

During the training, the trainer alternates between theoretical and practical presentations, case studies and feedback.


Knowledge will be validated throughout the training through practical exercises.

Certificate, diploma

A certificate of attendance will be sent to participants present after the training.

Additional information

The number of registrants is generally limited to 15 people per session for better interactivity.

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