FR Le harcèlement en entreprise: Fonction ou alibi pour les acteurs concernés! (S-RH0013) On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Occupational hazards - Psychosocial risk - Harassment in the workplace 01.01.2099
DE Abschalten-Können für Schicht-Arbeitende (S-BE0025) On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Working conditions 01.01.2099
FR Gérer les conflits au travail avec empathie (S-EL0060) E-Learning Safety and prevention - Managing difficult situations 01.01.2099
EN Handle Interpersonal Difficulties in the Workplace with Empathy (S-EL0060) E-Learning Safety and prevention - Managing difficult situations 01.01.2099
FR Ergonomie du travail de bureau: Prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) et confort au travail (S-BE0011) On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Working conditions - Ergonomics 01.01.2099