Induction Course for New Employees in Luxembourg

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

This seminar is aimed at all employees who are new to Luxembourg.

Level reached



3,50 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



This seminar allows new employees in Luxembourg a quick integration by giving them a brief overview of Luxembourg (history, organisation, customs etc.) and useful explanations for employees (administrative formalities, labour law, social security, taxes etc.).


1) Living in Luxembourg

  • Brief overview of the country's key historical events
  • Administrative organisation of the country
    • Powers of the Grand Duke, Government, Chamber of Deputies, Council of State,
    • Organisation of the country: Communes, Cantons, Districts
  • Cultural diversity in Luxembourg
  • How to integrate quickly?
  • Events, social and cultural calendar

2) Working in Luxembourg

  • Working conditions
    • General information
    • Obligations of employees (working hours, absences, professional secrecy)
    • Obligations of employers (employment contract)
  • Social security (for residents and non-residents)
    • General
    • Health Insurance (CNS) (contributions and coverage)
    • Pension Funds (CNAP) (contributions and coverage)
    • Family Allowances (CAE) (contributions and coverage)
    • Accident Insurance (contributions and coverage)
    • Long-Term Care Insurance (contributions and coverage)
    • Unemployment Benefits (contributions and coverage)
  • Taxes
    • Tax rates
    • Tax deduction form
    • Tax return, annual statement, salary certificate
  • Administrative formalities & practical information
  • Mandatory formalities for residents and non-residents
  • Questions & answers

Certificate, diploma

Certificate of attendance

Additional information

The seminar is interactive and practical.
The number of participants in the seminar is limited to 6 persons.

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