Legal and administrative duties of the insurance broker - Part 1

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

Industry professionals: insurance company personnel, experts, insurance advisors, brokers, sub-brokers or wealth engineers, wealth planners, private bankers whose clientele is interested in insurance.

Level reached



2,50 hours(s)

2h30 + questions

Language(s) of service



The training aims to provide brokers with a thorough understanding of their legal and administrative obligations, helping them operate in compliance with constantly evolving regulations.


The training covers essential aspects such as the employer's social obligations, brokers' incompatibilities with other roles, regulations regarding complaints, combating money laundering, as well as future regulatory outlooks.

Points covered

  • Introduction: Differentiation between legal and administrative obligations, hierarchy of legal norms, definition of the broker and their activities according to the law.
  • General obligations: Analysis of the employer's social obligations, including recording working hours, medical examinations at hiring, and designation of workers for safety and risk prevention.
  • Insurance obligations - Incompatibility: Exploration of brokers' limitations compared to other roles, examination of regulations regarding customer complaints and requirements for combating money laundering and terrorism financing.
  • Future: Outlook on upcoming regulatory developments, including new regulations such as AMLD6, changes in the definition of UBOs, new areas of surveillance related to money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as implications of technological advancements like artificial intelligence and data analysis.

Teaching methods

Interactive Presentations:

  • Utilization of visual presentations to explain key concepts.
  • Integration of interactive elements such as Q&A sessions and discussions to maintain participant engagement.



Certificate, diploma

Certificate provided at the end of the session

Mode of organisation

An email is sent the day before the training with the details of the video conference.

Additional information

Best Practices:
  • Arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the training session.
  • Before the session: conduct an audio test (video conferences often lose 10 to 15 minutes due to connection issues).
  • Be punctual for the start of the session.
Some recommendations:
  • Use headphones.
  • Be in a quiet environment.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection.
  • Silence your mobile phone during the session.
  • Avoid multitasking.
  • Set up in an isolated and practical location for your cables and note-taking.
  • Isolate yourself from any distractions and noise (TV, kitchen, etc.) for the duration of your training.
  • Settle in your dedicated space, such as a desk; make sure to lock the door when you work - to prevent unexpected interruptions from children.

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