FR Mieux comprendre et travailler avec les personnes neuroatypiques On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Occupational hazards - Psychosocial risk 01.01.2099
EN AML / CFT Luxembourg Refresher E-Learning Safety and prevention - Corporate risk management - Economic and financial crime 01.01.2099
FR ISO 45001 – Audit d’un système de management de la santé et sécurité au travail Luxembourg Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Health safety and work management system 30.04.2025
FR Risques psychosociaux - Mieux prévenir, mieux gérer pour mieux travailler On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Occupational hazards - Psychosocial risk 01.01.2099
DE Gesetzgebung über die genehmigungspflichtigen Betriebe und Brandschutzvorschriften in Gebäuden Luxembourg Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Health safety and work regulations 07.07.2025