Several training formats are used for the application for co-funding.
It is delivered by a training body within the company or in external premises.
Types of providers:
It is delivered by an employee of the company who is an occasional trainer, on a specific date and for a specified length of time, either within the company or in external premises
It involves all or some of the company's staff with a minimum of two participants.
Example: the workshop supervisor explains new security legislation to his or her team.
This training is specific to the workstation. It is delivered by an employee at different times, and involves one trainer and one participant at the same time.
Example: 2 hours of training one day, 3 hours another, at the participant's or trainer's desk/work area.
Depending on the employees targeted by this training format, there are three types of "on-the-job" internal training:
For each training type, the attendance list must specify all of the training topics covered each day.
The maximum eligible lengths of training courses for on-the-job training are set at 80 hours for the trainee and 40 hours for the internal trainer(s).
Example: for a new recruit on-the-job training of 60 hours, a maximum of 30 hours are eligible for the trainer.
Co-funding of on-the-job training is exclusively reserved for unqualified employees and for employees whose diploma bears no relation to their work.
E-learning constitutes a learning method which uses information and communication technologies and can be applied to various training topics.