Intermediate English with TOEIC certification

Intra-company training

Who is the training for?

Toute personne souhaitant apprendre la langue

Level reached



At the client's discretion

Formations de 20 à 50 heures, sur mesure - à raison d'1h30 / semaine de cours en face à face avec enseignant natif

Language(s) of service



Niveau débutant en langue anglaise


  • Consolidate oral and written knowledge
  • Be able to understand the main points of a speech on familiar subjects (professional and general) when the interlocutor uses clear and standard language
  • Know how to write texts in everyday language (general or professional field)
  • Be able to carry on a conversation without preparation
  • Get an assessment or certification of your level


UNDERSTAND (listen and read):

  • Understand the essential points when clear and standard language is used and when dealing with familiar subjects (work, school, leisure, etc.)
  • Understand the essence of many radio or television broadcasts on current events or on subjects that interest him personally or professionally if one speaks in a relatively slow and distinct way.
  • Understand texts written mainly in a common language or related to his work.
  • Understand the description of events, the expression of feelings and wishes in personal letters.

SPEAK (take part in a conversation / express oneself orally continuously):

  • Deal with the majority of situations that can be encountered during a trip to a region where the language is spoken.
  • Take part unprepared in a conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest or that relate to daily life (eg family, hobbies, work, travel and current affairs).
  • Express themselves in a simple way in order to recount experiences and events, their dreams, hopes or goals.
  • Briefly give the reasons and explanations for their opinions or projects.
  • Tell a story or the plot of a book or film and express their reactions.


  • He can write a simple and coherent text on familiar subjects or which interest him personally.
  • He can write personal letters to describe experiences and impressions.


  • Analyze events - Seek and find information - Understand and respond to invitations - Advise/disadvise - Convince - Define - Express knowledge/ignorance - Express confidence/mistrust - Express sympathy/antipathy, obligation, prohibition, certainty/doubt, anger - Expressing agreement/disagreement - Expressing hesitation - Criticizing and giving judgment - Making plans and promises - Make complaints - Deal with situations of incomprehension - Provide explanations - Summarize, tell


  • Adjectives and indefinite pronouns - Conditional and subjunctive in the expression of the wish, the will, the obligation, the feelings - Expression of the goal, the condition, the restriction, the hypothesis, the cause, the consequence, opposition, concession, comparison - Gerund - The imperative in the affirmative and negative forms - Present and past participles - Story tense (compound past, simple past, imperfect, pluperfect, past prior)

Points covered

L'anglais et les autres langues sont enseignées en termes de 4 compétences langagières de base:

  • Ecouter (compréhension orale)
  • Lire (compréhension écrite)
  • Parler (expression orale)
  • Ecrire (expression écrite)

Teaching methods

  • Formation face à face avec un formateur certifié et natif.
  • Mises en situation
  • Utilisation de supports numériques innovants
  • Méthode affirmative: notions théoriques enseignées
  • Méthode participative: appliquer la théorie à la pratique.


Le Test of English for International Communication, plus communément appelé TOEIC, est un examen mesurant la compréhension et l’expression en langue anglaise. LLTI est centre de passation agréé TOEIC.

Certificate, diploma

Test de positionnement en début de formation - Attestation de présence et de fin de formation - Bilan pédagogique et recommandations - Certificat TOEIC

Mode of organisation

Formation individuelle ou en groupe (max 5 personnes) face à face, avec enseignant natif

Organization contact details

Slawomir Pindor

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