Introduction to the administration and management of human resources

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

Ce séminaire s’adresse à des personnes qui sont amenées à prendre des responsabilités dans un service ressources humaines.

Level reached



3,50 hours(s)

Une demi-journée

Language(s) of service



Aucun prérequis.


This seminar allows participants to familiarize themselves with the basics of personnel administration and human resources management.


1) General aspects

  • Sources of law
    • European directives, laws, Grand-Ducal regulations, collective agreements, employment contracts, etc.
  • The status of employees
    • Intellectual employees, manual employees, senior executives

2) Main missions of a human resources department

  • Personnel Administration
    • Personnel files, certificates, contracts, etc.
  • Remuneration
    • Calculation of salaries
    • Management of benefits in kind (company car, accommodation, etc.)
    • Payroll management
  • Recruitment and integration
    • Internal and external recruitment and application management
    • Selection of candidates
    • Reception and integration of new employees
  • Training and development
    • Training plan
    • Staff development: Technical knowledge & Interpersonal knowledge
    • Job descriptions and evaluation interviews
    • Forecast management of jobs and skills
  • Internal communication
  • Social relations

Certificate, diploma

Chaque participant reçoit un certificat de participation.

Mode of organisation

La tenue du séminaire est garantie.

Additional information

  • Le séminaire se déroule de manière interactive et participative.
  • Le nombre de participants au séminaire est limité à 6 personnes.
  • Cette formation fait partie du "RH Starter Kit", mais peut aussi être suivie de façon indépendante.

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