Team work

Intra-company training

Who is the training for?

All public

Level reached



1,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



  • Learn to work better together and to create a real synergy between them in order to

to achieve common goals more easily.

  • Strengthen team cohesion and create good team spirit.
  • Increase everyone's participation.
  • Make the team members understand that they are all complementary and dependent.

from each other.

  • Learn to function better and cooperate more effectively.
  • Help to know and understand each other better in order to improve harmony and create

better interpersonal relationships.

  • Help them communicate better with each other.
  • Help manage conflicts and sticky situations.


  • Teamwork and team building

o What is a real team
o The concept of synergy
o Requirements for working in a team
o Conditions for the success of today's teams

  • Basic rules for effective team functioning
  • Self-diagnosis: What are our strengths and weaknesses as a team? (Exercise of


  • Attitudes and behaviors to adopt and develop in order to strengthen our cohesion and efficiency
  • Better understand others in order to work better together

o The different profiles of the team members
o How to establish good relationships with each member of the team
o How to identify the socio-economic style of each team member
o Individual tests
o How to approach others in a way adapted to their socio-social style

  • The art of interpersonal communication

o How to have a positive influence on others
o The communication mechanism
o Communication barriers
o Differences in perception
o The rules of successful communication
o The importance of non-verbal communication
o The art of asking the right questions
o Active listening
o Empathy
o Feedback

  • Conflict management

o The origin of the conflict
o How to anticipate conflicts
o Handling conflicts

  • Summary and conclusion

Alternation of inductive or deductive stages according to the concepts to be exposed.
Participatory and interactive method, leaving a privileged space for discussion and the possibility of concretely testing different behaviors to achieve the objective

Teaching methods

Alternance d'étapes inductives ou déductives selon les concepts à exposer.
Méthode participative et interactive, laissant un espace privilégié de discussion et la possibilité de tester concrètement des comportements différents pour atteindre l'objectif

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