Become a pilot of the quality of life at work (QVT): To create a climate of well-being and safety at work

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

Salarié(e)s de la fonction RH ou chargé(e)s de la communication, et toutes personnes en charge de la qualité de vie au travail dans l’entreprise ou désireuses d’y accéder.

Level reached



2,00 day(s)

Une formation sur deux journées de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 13h00 à 17h00

Language(s) of service



  • Understand the impacts of well-being at work.
  • Define the different components of the quality of life at work.
  • Implement practices to develop well-being and QVT in the company.
  • Effectively support the employee in his development.


Day 1:
Step 1: A few benchmarks on the quality of life at work
  • Quality of life at work and well-being, what is the difference?
  • The challenges of these approaches
  • Introduction to psychosocial risks (RPS)
  • Develop an action plan
Step 2: The levers of well-being at work
  • Aspirations
  • Personal evolution
  • Social reports
  • Environment
Day 2:
Step 1: Personal development of the collaborator
  • Subjectivity of perception
  • Emotion in the professional context and stress management
  • Assertiveness and assertiveness
  • Work-life balance
Step 2: Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit
  • Tools in a teleworking situation
  • Tools within the company
  • Measure the well-being and satisfaction of employees

Teaching methods

La formation alterne les apports théoriques et la réflexion personnelle, les échanges avec le groupe, les exercices pratiques et les mises en situation.

Certificate, diploma

Une attestation de formation sera délivrée à l'issue de la formation.

Organization contact details

Géraldine Delcourt

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