FR Référent Qualité de Vie au Travail (QVT) On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work - Occupational hazards 01.01.2099
FR VISION ZERO - Objectif Zéro Accident : cela commence par moi ! On request Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work 01.01.2099
EN Conflict management in the workplace Luxembourg Safety and prevention - Managing difficult situations 07.05.2025
DE Sicherheitsbeauftragter (Travailleur désigné) für Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz - Gruppe A - HoReCa Bereich Luxembourg Safety and prevention - Prevention and safety at work 17.07.2025
EN AML / CFT Luxembourg Refresher E-Learning Safety and prevention - Corporate risk management - Economic and financial crime 01.01.2099